Nov 15-17 San Antonio, Texas
Last Seminar in USA for this year
3-day seminar November 15-17 in San Antonio, Texas don’t miss it, more information here.
Maul October/November Seminar Travel Information:
Online training Info: October/November – Zoom trainings will be according to schedule.
- If Maul cannot make it or if Wi-Fi is inadequate we will make a recording available.
- Seminars will be LIve unless Wi-fi Prohibits it
- Tuesday and Wednesday Classes:
- Tuesdays: 9PM – 1130PM EST
- Wednesday: 5AM – 730AM EST
- Friday and Saturday Classes:
- Friday: 9PM – 1130PM EST
- Saturday: 9AM – 1130AM EST
Tuesday and Wednesday:
If Maul can’t teach on these days, there will be a 48-hour recorded session available.
Friday and Saturday:
Depending on Maul’s location and reliable Wi-Fi, there may be live Zoom seminars.
Time Zones:
Remember that the seminar times will vary based on the part of the world where the seminar is hosted.
2 Responses
Please sign
Me up for Friday and Saturday
Please go to the seminar page and follow the link for signup and payment.
For more information please contact as explained on the seminar page.